Education Management - Washington, Washington, United States
The K-12 Global Forum aims to build a national coalition of state and district leaders committed to expandingequitable K-12 global education access and research. Over 2017-18, our team has had an opportunityto conduct a series of site-visits with globally-focused K-12 districts around the nation. These visits have shed lighton key trends and markers of a successful K-12 global education strategy in action.In September 2018, we will host the initial K-12 Global Forum convening in Washington, DC, at the US Institute ofPeace (2301 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037), with invited representatives from 25 states anddistricts. Together, inaugural coalition members will develop action-oriented commitments to further globaleducation access for K-12 students in their state and/or district, as well as develop tools and resources that will beavailable online for education leaders interested in furthering their investment in global education. The K-12Global Forum will utilize an aligned action network approach to build a shared understanding of K-12 globaleducation, to learn with and from one another, to assist in developing strategies, and to support one another inimplementation.