Philanthropy - Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, United States
These service dogs don't just change lives, they save lives. With the help of a service dog, those with disabilities, can feel empowered to complete tasks that before may have felt traumatizing or impossible to complete alone. Simply walking outside or the sound of a plane can bring a veteran back to the thoughts of war, this fear can be paralyzing. K9 Mission is driven by helping people with disabilities gain confidence and to help them feel that they are no longer lost. K9 Mission's service dogs provide purpose to those who felt like they no longer had one. Our K9s have been proven to combat anxiety, stress, depression, and suicide. The mission is to provide these dogs to those suffering from PTSD in lieu of medication. In some cases, service dogs are a veterans last hope. These K9s bring light and comfort to those suffering and to the families of those suffering. They brighten spirits and change dynamics of homes for the better.Our goal is to train and place as many K9s as possible, we just need your help.
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