Fine Art - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
GERALD VAN DER KAAPの作品集「WHEREVER YOU ARE ON THIS PLANET」を格安で表紙裏表紙に少し汚れあり。乱丁落丁なし。発送はクロネコメール便で(全国一律240円)でメール便なのでクッションなど同梱できませんがご了承ください。I think Gerald Van Der Kaap's video installations will be shown today at 18.00 hrs at PSG Art Gallery. You can read the details at: can watch some of Gerald Van Der Kaap's works here:1.WEIWEI (TRACK), XIAMEN, 2002 (2002-2007, Gerald Van Der Kaap) PASSION (NEW GENERATION REMIX) (only part 1) like the full version of this film very much. I saw it in a film festival at Silparkorn University in 2006, and included this film in my list of most favorite short films of 2006. MORE – Junkie XL featuring Lauren & Daniela by Gerald Van Der Kaap + Joost Van Bellen