Photography - , ,
My passion for photography began once upon a time with an incredibly outdated, seemingly ancient Polaroid-One Step camera. Innocently enough, my grandmother let me use this nifty little piece at age 3, but had no idea what kind of artistic monster she was creating. My love for photography has grown exponentially through the years, but not until recently did I realize the true impact a photograph can have. While rummaging through an old box of family photos, I stumbled across a two-decade old picture of my cousins and I in my grandparents' inflatable swimming pool that turned us into prunes every summer. Immediately, memories of my carefree life as a child rushed in, sending me on a speeding roller coaster down memory lane, all because of a slightly yellowed canvas. The picture had endured countless moves, three hurricanes, and only God knows what else, but the image captivated my imagination nonetheless. It was at this moment I truly understood what significance a photograph could have, capturing all the feelings that make up a great moment in time, and hurling every single one of them at you with a simple glance. This is what drives my passion for photography.This quote has stuck with me for years: "Delight in the beauty that surrounds you." Everyday, I try to delight in the land that I walk on, the people that I smile to, and the love that I share. From the smallest details in nature, to the sweetest moments between a loving family, my lens is always expanding.
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