Religious Institutions - Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Set Kailaasa Ecosystem in Satara MS Gurukul Goshala GranthalayaAnnalaya, Mandir, Yogalaya
Revival of the Hindu NationEons ago, Paramashiva, the supreme consciousness & the ultimate Lord - revealed the cosmic constitution and Himself established an enlightened civilization & the first Hindu nation - Kailaasa. In the course of time, 56 major nations, 200 states and over thousand provinces were following Sanatana Hindu Dharma as the state religion. But in the last 1000 years of invasions and persecution, Hinduism lost all territories and after 2007, Nepal - the last remaining Hindu nation was lost. Along with it, the science of enlightenment started getting destroyed. There is no place left on planet earth for Hinduism to be practiced in peace, no place where Hinduism is the state religion. In this manner, till date, Hinduism has lost 56 Deshas (countries), 200 states, 1700 provinces, & 10,000 Sampradayas (spiritual and religious traditions). This is why we need a Hindu nation. Kailaasa is reviving our ancient enlightened civilization by forming the the only Hindu nation in the world right now.
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