Political Organization - Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Our Organization's Mission is to promote these five tenets:POLITICAL AWARENESS AND POLITICAL INVOLVEMENTWe strive to actively engage society in a dynamic discourse, to educate the students on the issues and concerns that matter most to them, to encourage them to take action. Our struggle is to go beyond asking what must be done, to actually doing what can be done.ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SOCIAL RELEVANCEKAISA believes in the timeless ideal of the UP student as an "Iskolar-Aktibista." Academic excellence, to be of service to the students and to society, must be socially relevant. We aim to use our education for the greater good of our fellow students, the University, the nation and society as a whole.INCLUSIVE ACTIVISMWe seek to balance free discourse on one hand, and decisive action on another, such that principles and positions are open to deliberation and reflection, and the practice of decisive action will not be constrained. We are activists because we espouse a proactive stance on relevant issues and concerns, but we are also inclusive because we seek not to include only our fellow proponents, but to appeal to the society at large, to rally others to our call.RESPONSIVE LEADERSHIP TOWARDS STUDENT EMPOWERMENTIt is imperative that student leaders prioritize the empowerment of their constituents, by promoting and safeguarding their rights, welfare, and interests. Attention toward issues of broader import should not be prejudiced against local concerns. We aim to help create an atmosphere conducive to learning, progress and political maturity.SOCIAL PROGRESS WITH SOCIAL JUSTICEAs students of the University of the Philippines, we bear a social responsibility to our country and fellow members in society. Any collective thrust in order to be meaningful should be grounded in the continuing struggle for a free and just society, and it should speak on behalf of the weak, marginalized and oppressed.