Pharmaceuticals - , Tainan City, Taiwan
Kaiser Pharmaceutical Co. (KP), 港香蘭藥廠股份有限公司, is the leader in Traditional Chinese Medicine industry in implementing the highest quality of herbal products. Kaiser Pharmaceutical (KP) has aimed to improve the well-being of the general public through providing herbal extracts of the highest quality. This is achieved by utilizing the most advanced manufacturing techniques, equipment, and natural ingredients of the highest grade. In an age of rapid technological advancement and constant regulation changes, KP continues to lead the industry by maintaining a PIC/S GMP certified facility with rigorous, well-defined SOPs and strict adherence to GMP guidelines. These detailed programs specify methods for the authentication of raw herbs, precisely controlled production techniques and final safety inspections of heavy metals, micro-organisms and pesticide residue to guarantee the safety, quality and efficacy of KP products, ensuring the deliverance of the essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine and premium herbal extracts worldwide.港香蘭傳承中國醫藥的精隨內涵,累積近五十年的製藥經驗,秉持『以人為本、良藥濟世』的經營理念,並引用了現代化科學製藥設備與技術,在GMP嚴格控管下,精確保留原方療效並配合時代演進,展現新風貌,港香蘭更匯集古今固有醫藥經驗及科學驗證,讓中國精良的醫藥德澤得以廣被寰宇,造福人類。港香蘭的產品包含了濃縮中藥系列產品(單味製劑、複方製劑、丸劑、錠劑)、中草藥保健產品(沖泡式茶飲、全溶性產品、保健膠囊)以及漢方保養品等,是目前品項最多樣、最齊全的GMP中藥廠,未來我們將朝向研發『低劑量、高療效』的產品,為大眾健康貢獻心力。在嚴格的檢驗標準之下,港香蘭的外銷成績已經連續多年在同業排名第一。港香蘭會更加努力,對所有消費者負責,以安全與療效兼具的產品,造福大眾。Certifications:TGA-PIC/S GMP (Therapeutic Good Administration)USDA-NOP (United States Department of Agriculture, National Organic Program)NSF-cGMP (National Sanitation Foundation)KosherHalalISO 9001:2008 (International Accredited Forum)ISO 17025:2005 (Taiwan Accreditation Foundation)GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)