Primary/secondary Education - Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States
The Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science Center (KAMSC) delivers a challenging, accelerated education in mathematics, science and technology/computer science to selected students, grades 9 through 12, in Kalamazoo County. Students can apply to the program in the eighth grade, and if accepted, spend a half-day at KAMSC in intensive mathematics, science, and computer courses.All students, within the first three years of the core curriculum, participate in an intensive and guided research-based program, developing the skills necessary to conduct scientific research. Some students become involved with long-term research projects with scientists in the community, as members of the KAMSC Research Team. In addition, KAMSC provides outreach services to students and teachers in Kalamazoo and St. Joseph counties. Those services involve professional learning for teachers and a variety of learning experiences for students.KAMSC promotes standards-based science and mathematics curricula through its involvement with Project PRIME (Promoting Reform In Mathematics Education) and a variety of activities associated with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). KAMSC serves as a catalyst for community involvement in mathematics and science education. Through partnerships and collaborative efforts with higher education, business and industry, community organizations, and local school districts, mathematics and science education for all K-12 students is improved.KAMSC is an active member of the Michigan Mathematics & Science Centers Network and a founding member of the National Consortium for Specialized Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology. KAMSC's director, Dr. Michael Tanoff, sits in the board of directors of the Michigan STEM Partnership and is a member of the Advisory Board for the Lee Honors College at Western Michigan University.