Animation - Nakano City, Tokyo, Japan
Message from Satoshi Tomioka, Representative of Kanaban Graphics Ltd.I released a short CG animation film in 1999, which I made all by myself. It was a great pleasure to know that some of those who were amused by the film excitedly repeated watching it again and again. Almost 20 years have passed since then, and the media and the market have been changing all the time. The animation works which I thought entertaining those days might not be so much appealing now.Nowadays animation pieces are hardly produced by one person, but are created by accumulating the efforts of staff members in an organization. In Kanaban Graphics, animation works, we can say, are made by chemical reaction of those efforts of each staff, who can be called a creator, and the reaction turns works into quite new and unique pieces to our company.We are now at the prospect of releasing our works( creative?) to the world , creating new values and groping new attempts in making CG animations with the cooperation of partner-to-be enterprises who are resonant with our goal(creative?).
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