Accounting - , ,
Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali a registered public accountant is a merger of several accounting public firms in 2000.Currently, we have 20 accountant partners, thousands of professional staff who have deep experiences as an auditor, taxation, information system & technology, financial management and have a strong commitment to develop human resources. Our clients are National and International companies, public companies that are listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia) and other Government Owned Companies (BUMN).Based on a market review conducted in 2008 by IDX WATCH 2009-2010, our firm is ranked at the 6th top position compared to all Registered Public Accountants all over Indonesia that have conducted audits for companies listed in the Stock Market.In order to expand the company International network, Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali registered public accountant is a member of BKR International, whose head quarter is in New York, USA, which is ranked #5 in the IAB 2010 World Survey of Leading Associations of Independent Firms.BKR international is an association of independent accounting and business advisor firm which has worldwide International network and experiences in attestation and accounting, taxation, business consultant, strategic management and law consultant.BKR international represents 143 leading-edge accounting and business advisor firms Offices located in all countries around the world, along with more than 914 partners and 7,247 professional staff.