Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering - Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka is Sri Lanka's largest e-commerce organization. With over 8000 products and over 30 types of distinct services Kapruka has set the bar for e-commerce footprint of Sri Lanka. Kapruka primary goal to provide a world class service to Sri Lankan's who shop online. Kapruka was formed in 2003 and it's principals were set by a single entrepreneur. Since then growth of Kapruka has been exponential with global presence and work force over 200 skilled employees in Sri Lanka. Kapruka has forged partnerships with over 300 renowned brand names and it offers quintessentially Sri Lankan products of the highest quality. The extensive range of gift ideas combined with its impeccable professional standards has created a satisfied and loyal customer base. It is innovations inspired by the company's spirit of creativity and passion that has resulted in its unprecedented success. Kapruka remains ambitious and committed towards finding original ways of connecting Sri Lankans across the world.