Law Practice - Tripoli, Tripoli District, Libya
With offices in Washington D.C and Tripoli, Libya, Karbal & Co provides comprehensive legal and arbitration services to international clients on the laws of the jurisdictions of the Middle East and North Africa. In our extensive experience in the region, our clients include persons operating in the private and public sectors, both government agencies of various jurisdictions, international law firms and multinationals.The law firm was first established in Dubai, United Arab Emirates by Dr. Mohamed Karbal, a lawyer admitted to practice law in Washington D.C., New York, Libya and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.In terms of areas of practice, we offer services in various areas of the law, from human rights law to commercial transactions, most notably for matters in the maritime and oil & gas industry. For clients seeking to establish companies in Libya, we offer complete legal services such as setting up a branch, licensing, joint-ventures and insurance. We also offer expert legal opinion services on Libyan law, including commercial law, civil law, administrative law and criminal law. We have served as Libyan counsel for many high profile cases.Through our office in Washington D.C., we partner with law firms in the jurisdictions of the Middle East and North Africa to assist clients in Western jurisdictions in obtaining their legal services.
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