Health, Wellness & Fitness - Coral Springs, Florida, United States
Karecall is a ‘virtual caregiver' that assists home healthcare providers by calling their patients and having a telephone conversation with them about how they are feeling. If our KareCall ‘Virtual Caregiver' hears an answer that is concerning, we are able to alert the agency clinician that helps care for them.We are the missing connector for an industry that largely remains small and private. Our goal is to supplement these Home Health Care agencies with our electronic services and give them the opportunity to develop new sales and extend the relationship patient life-cycle by bringing patients into their eco-system before they need in-home caregivers. We believe KareCall disrupts the traditional method and timing of intake and revenue stream. As aging in-home patients require more attention, Home Care Agencies have experienced push back from payers such as patients and family to hold out as long as possible when adding more expensive daily caregiver hours. We believe KareCall allows an Agency to extend its service to existing patients without adding in-home hours to accomplish the oversight that provides better patient monitoring and helps to avoid hospitalizations.In addition, we believe KareCall is the perfect way to begin new relationships with older patients who may need touch points in their lives for monitoring their medical conditions but are not yet ready for in-home caregivers. These new patients may be likely to evolve into in-home care clients as their aging in place cycle continues through the years.