Architecture & Planning - Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Karluk Design, Inc. is an Architectural/Planning firm with special skills in difficult arctic, subarctic, and temperate climate design and construction problems. Our core staff is comprised of licensed professionals, experienced production managers, draft persons, and clerical staff. We have found that this core group is very efficient, allowing us to involve a principal of the firm in every project.Other engineering skills and large projects are accommodated by involving licensed professional consultants of proven capabilities -- professionals who have worked with us often in the past.Working effectively in Alaska requires more than just the traditional "A-E" skills. The geographic and cultural diversity of the Alaskan market demand the addition of sound analysis, knowledge of governmental and regulatory agency constraints, sensitivity to the environment and an understanding of the economic forces at work. This group of complimentary skills is characteristic of our planning process. We have worked hard developing our planning capabilities, and they add an extra dimension to every project we do.