Hospital/Clinic - Cincinnati, OH, us
Are you looking for contact information for KATIE DEAN? Look no further than, your one-stop solution for all your B2B lead generation needs. Our extensive database contains millions of company records worldwide, including contact details for KATIE DEAN and its employees. With ConnectPlex, you can quickly and easily find the contact information you need to connect with people working in KATIE DEAN and other companies. Our platform is designed to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date contact information possible. We use AI algorithms to verify and update our data regularly, ensuring that you have access to the most reliable information available. With ConnectPlex, you can save time and resources by quickly finding the contact information you need, allowing you to focus on building meaningful relationships and growing your business.
Katie Dean is a health, wellness, and fitness company located in Cincinnati, Ohio. With a focus on providing high-quality medical care, the clinic offers a range of services including martial arts training and wellness programs. Led by a team of experienced professionals, Katie Dean is committed to helping patients achieve their health and fitness goals. With a convenient location at 234 Goodman St, Katie Dean is easily accessible to residents of Cincinnati and the surrounding area. The clinic's LinkedIn page provides additional information and updates on their services, and patients can also contact the clinic directly by phone or email to learn more. As a trusted provider of medical care, Katie Dean is dedicated to delivering exceptional patient experiences and outcomes.
Oom Yung Doe Martial Arts Kirkland is a place where people can improve their health, wellness, and fitness. It's located in Kirkland, Washington, USA.