Aerospace/Defense - Newport News, VA, US
KATO is the original inventor and manufacturer of the bi-directional Tangless® screw thread insert. KATO Fastening Systems, Inc. (KATO) was established in 1997 to serve the North American fastener market. KATO manufactures the revolutionary Tangless® CoilThread Insert, standard CoilThread (tanged) inserts, and Hexatorq (constant torque precision hinges).KATO Tangless Inserts are identical, in form, fit, and function to conventional tanged inserts (e.g.,CoilThread, Heli-Coil & Recoil). In fact, Tangless CoilThread Inserts are identical to tanged inserts in every way except for their method of installation & removal. KATO Tangless inserts even have the same procurement specification (NASM8846 for unified sizes and MA1565 for metric sizes) as tanged inserts. KATO Tangless inserts eliminate tang break-off and retrieval, are easily adjusted after installation, and offer non-destructive removal. In addition, Heli-Coil and Recoil Tangless inserts are manufactured under license from KATO!
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