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We're digital Digital is an integral part of everything we do. In fact, we were the first agency to have an interactive capability back in the 1980s. Right now, we have over 8,000 digital specialists globally, and a lot of other people who work in digital as well. This network-wide expertise helps us lead the industry in developing digitally-enabled content ecosystems for our clients. We're full service We are a unique coalition of expertise under one roof. We have deep specializations in advertising, in public relations, in retail activation, in direct marketing, in digital, and in healthcare communications, as well as having a delivery network. Bringing together deeply specialized thinking is a really challenging thing, and a lot of conventional integration just doesn't do it. We are proud of our operating system, Fusion, which allows us to harness those specialist skills behind a business plan with a clear business objective. We're global The fourth thing has to do with our spread. We've got talents around the world. But the interesting thing is where those staff are. 26% of them are in the BRIC markets, and that's because we've very consciously sought to achieve brand leadership in China and in India. And behind the BRICs we have a very strong capability in Australia and Arabic worlds.