Kazema Global Holding Company KSCH Details
Kazema Global Holding owns and invests in approximately 22 companies with total annual sales for 2009 approximately USD 85 million, the original Kazema business had started in 1976 and the company's offices, warehouses, distribution centers, sales outlets are all over Kuwait and currently expanding regionally in GCC, Arab and Middle East countries.
Our core business is air-conditioning and refrigeration and currently focusing in the main four sector : Contracting Sectors , Utility Provider Sector , Service Sector and Trading Sector.
1001 - 5000
["+965 2 4721199","+974 44692542","+ 965 24823387","+965-24721155","+965 97206920","+ 973 17514428","+965 24 849 600","+973-17-73-2920","(973 17732920)"," (+974 5500 2084)","(965) 24823387","+44 1483 696 000","+353-21-4968494","+974 8008988","(965)24721155","(965)24849600","(987) 123-0456","+965 2263 3249","+965 2 4721155","+39 02 931 76 1","965 2484-1050","+965--24721155","28386636/79","+39 02 931 76 401","+965 2472 1199","+353 21 4968566","973 17732920","+965 24721155","+965 24 823 387","(965) 4721155"," 00965 484 1050","+44 (0)1977 522910","+965-24814900","+965 2472 1155","(965) 484 1050 ","+965 24721199","+965 2484 9600","+973 - 17732920","+ 971 4 8809979","0096527421155","00965-24849600","+ 966 11 2651500","+965 2484-9600","+965 22633248","+66 (0) 2 278 6996","+974 44687872","+974 5500 2084","+ 971 4 2270078","+62-822-9911-1755 "]
Delingha, Qinghai, China