Education Management - , Rangpur Division, Bangladesh
K.B. Residential Model School(KBRMS) was established in Rajabasore, Parbatipur, Dinajpur in 2020. It was established by Kamrul Huda Badsha, a businessman, to play a vital role for the society. From the very beginning the two main objectives of the founder of the school has been to provide education at a school level to all classes students and to provide quality and value based education to students for the benefit of contributing to the development of this country.In keeping with the ideals of social justice special emphasis is to be given to students who would otherwise be deprived of opportunity for such a quality and value based education due to their economic condition, ethnic, rural or otherwise backward or deprived social situation. The educational objective is to instill in the student a love of God, his country and wisdom. KBRMS is seen as a family. All the students, teaching and non-teaching staff and administrative staff are the members of KB Family. KB Family life is based on mutual respect, love, sharing of responsibility and common interest for the integral formation of the students. Here every one performs duty with sincerity, competency, and compassionately which bring a unique dimension to the KB Family. The glory of KB Residential Model School does not lie on its glorious exam result only, but also in the opportunity it offers for the poor, under privileged and tribal students coming from different parts of the country.KBRMS is an ideal school for young children in Bangladesh. It will help your child to develop as an ideal citizen.The main objective of this school is to impart quality education to the children from the very beginning through the syllabus provided by the Govt. of Bangladesh as well as religious, family and social issues.At the present time the school receives no financial aid from the Govt.of Bangladesh. It is supported entirely by tuition fees collected from the students and the rest amount comes from the founder support.