Real Estate - Kajang Municipal Council, Selangor, Malaysia
"CREATING LIVABLE & LOVABLE COMMUNITIES."We take great pride to share our rising success since our company was established in 1994. We have a great leadership and workforce who have worked hard with positive directions to come this far to reap the bountiful fruits of progress and expansions.We always keep abreast with the constant economic changes in the country and uphold the highest standards of integrity in all of our actions to keep and win customers away from competition. Since our humble beginning, we have been able to contribute towards the nation building in various infrastructure construction projects that saw our participation in building several highways in the Klang Valley. We went on to tap the lucrative markets in the oil and gas industry. In the year 2006, KEB Group realised the importance to align our business with the country's economic developments, whereby we identified and ventured into the huge potentials of the property development. We are committed to making the best use of the Mother Nature's gift – LAND.We are a young innovative company with huge potential and we have certainly made a strong presence in the property sectors with the completion of a series of projects in the first ten years of the 21st century. Our timely delivery of factories, residential and commercial units have helped contribute significantly to the economic development and social progress. Currently, we have an ongoing residential and industrial projects which will bring our company to greater heights. KEB Group is also in the midst of securing the 4 upcoming projects which consists of serviced condominium and apartment. This will enhance the group to remain at the forefront of the industry and to continue contributing towards the nation building.The looming land scarcity is one of the reasons why we have set eyes on the Klang Valley as our frontier. In this rapidly developed region in the country, the demand for land is always rising but the market supply isn't. This great challenge posed as opportunities to stimulate our creativity to adopt the most appropriate land use strategies to fulfil the city's commitment towards better and comfortable living environment.At KEB Group, we are committed to creating the global trend of livable and lovable communities, focusing solely on the important aspects, including the technical, economic and social qualities.
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