Real Estate - Suva, Central Division, Fiji
Privately owned Kelton has an extensive and successful 52 year investment track record in Real Estate, and Public and Private Companies, spanning the entire South Pacific region, Asia and North America.PORTFOLIOThe Kelton Group is currently invested in rental property, commercial agriculture and tourism. A number of small Christian and community development projects and non-profit entities complete the portfolio.HISTORYThe Group's investment experience over five decades has been diverse and has included investments in:PROPERTY: Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Retail, Hospitality AGRICULTURE: Commercial Farming, Agricultural SuppliesTECHNOLOGY: Office Automation, ICT, Mobile TelephonyTOURISM: Hotel OperationsMANUFACTURING: Garments, Food ProcessingINSURANCE: BrokingAVIATION: Domestic & International Airline operationsCONSTRUCTION: General Contracting, Prefabricated ResidentialTRADING: Import & Export, Distribution
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