Music - Katy, Texas, United States
With origins dating to the early 2000's, Texas-based pop-punk giants Kemo For Emo have emerged from the shadows after years of silence with their thematically dark yet triumphant A Picture Perfect Romance, a 7-song concept album taking you on a journey of love, loss, and self-destruction. Released in February 2016, the album is equal parts dark and catchy. A Picture Perfect Romance balances, as vocalist Larry Fenix states in his own lyrics, "The fine line of obscene and divine" where pop-inspired hooks meet the grittier, darker ends of the rock and punk spectrum. Kemo For Emo released their first album, the 90's pop-punk inspired "What Happens In Omaha" in 2006 to various local accolades, however a tumultuous breakup left the band silent for years. After mending wounds, Kemo For Emo reunited with a renewed sense of purpose and vigor in 2014 to work on new music that would ultimately become the new album. A decade removed from their initial album, this new album displays exploration of more mature themes with expanded musical abilities allowing the band to reach new sonic heights. A four part music video series is being made to tell the story of the album, with parts I, II, & III already released on the band's YouTube channel with part four in post production. Since the album's release in February, the band has had the honor of playing alongside punk giants such as NOFX, Unwritten Law, and Fenix TX, as well as being featured in the March 2016 issue of Alternative Press, and a live performance on ESPN Radio 97.5 in Houston, TX. In late 2016, Kemo For Emo won "Best Punk Rock Band in Texas" as well as "Best Punk Rock Singer" by MXD Magazine. Their 2016 release, "A Picture Perfect Romance" was also voted #4 in the Houston Chronicles "Top 12 Albums of 2016". The album was also voted as one of the years best by Free Press Houston.