City Government/Municipal Government - Milford, DE, US
KSI is a private, non-profit vocational rehabilitation organization that provides employment and training services to individuals with intellectual, mental, physical, and emotional disabilities who reside in Kent, Sussex, and lower New Castle Counties in Delaware. KSI's mission is to assist people with disabilities in the pursuit of their potential in employment and meaningful participation in their communities. In pursuing our mission, we provide a wide array of services to our program participants, including vocational training and employment, transportation to and from service locations, a cafeteria program, and adaptive living skills training. KSI as an organization believes that work, and the opportunity to contribute and grow as a person, is important to all people, especially people with disabilities. Work in our society helps to give our lives purpose and meaning. Work also allows us to learn and be successful, and to interact with people in the pursuit of common goals or outcomes. Work also allows people to earn a wage, which creates opportunities for choice, education, recreation, and socialization. In addition, work allows us a chance to discover talents and skills we never knew we had. This is what KSI does for the people we serve. KSI was founded on June 11, 1962 under the name "Golden Opportunity Center, Inc." The agency, located in a 500 square foot facility on Rt. 13 in Dover, served a grand total of 6 participants. The program was begun with a grant from DFRC. KSI is now in a position not only to provide rehabilitation and employability training for people with disabilities, but also employment, supported employment, job placement, door-to-door transportation, day habilitation, and nutritional services at no cost to our participants. KSI currently serves 260+ individuals annually.
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