Aviation & Aerospace - Lexington, Kentucky, United States
The Kentucky Aerospace Industry Consortium (KAIC) is a nonprofit organization seeking to advance and promote Kentucky's aerospace industry by providing leadership and creating collaborative partnerships that will ensure the industry has the resources it needs to succeed.Primary goals of KAIC:• Educating Kentucky citizens and industry on the value of the aerospace industry in Kentucky.• Helping to establish partnerships that advance knowledge of the industry in fields such as workforce development, educational outreach and economic development.• Promote research and development related to the science and economics of aerospace occurring at universities and in the private sector in support of the evolution of the industry, and serve as a connection point for private and public entities to engage in constructive dialogue and support events that facilitate this interaction.• Establish a strong brand for the aerospace industry in Kentucky that facilitates education, workforce development and economic development.• Facilitate connections to existing and future organizations in related industries toward the mutual benefit of the economic growth of the Commonwealth.
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