Higher Education - Lexington, Kentucky, United States
The Interfraternity Council is dedicated to fostering a valuable Greek experience here at the University of Kentucky. We are passionate about the development of the undergraduate men that comprise our organizations. Whether through character building, strengthening morals and values, or professional development, fraternity life at the University of Kentucky propels men to success.The Council is comprised of presidents from each of the 22 fraternities on campus, as well as an Executive Council comprised of 11 fraternity men. The Executive Council is composed of a President, an Executive Vice President, Judicial Board Chairman, VP of Recruitment, VP of Public Relations, VP of Finance, VP of Scholarship, VP of Community Outreach, VP of Interfraternity Relations, a Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff and both are appointed by the IFC President. The Chapter Presidents and Executive Council work in close harmony to make decisions that better the life of fraternity men around the University of Kentucky.
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