Government Administration - Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
Vision: A vibrant agency for responsive law reformMission"To facilitate law reform conducive to social, economic and political development through keeping all laws in Kenya under review, ensuring their systematic development and reform in conformity with the Constitution"Introduction and mandateThe Kenya Law Reform Commission (the Commission) is established under the Kenya Law Reform Commission Act, 2013 (No. 19 of 2013) as a successor to the Law Reform Commission, previously established under the repealed Law Reform Commission Act, Cap 3. Its establishment is further derived from the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and the State Corporations Act (Cap 446). These legal instruments give KLRC both constitutional and statutory mandates. Further, the County Governments Act, 2012 require the Commission to assist County Governments and their MDAs in the preparation and reform of their legislation. The Commission is a body corporate with perpetual succession, which serves both National and County governments in matters of law reform.
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