Transportation/Trucking/Railroad - , Kerala, India
Traffic accidents have been a major health problem allover the world. Nearly 13 lakh lives are being lost every year and 50 million are suffering from injuries. Though the menace has been affecting the economy and the social life, they were recognized as a health problem only in the recent past.Kerala Road Safety Authority was constituted in the year 2007 by the Kerala Road Safety Authority Act-2007 enacted by the Kerala Legislative Assembly. The act provides for:. Constitution of a Kerala Road Safety Authority. Establishment of a dedicated Road Safety Fund. Implementation of Road Safety ProgramsGovernment of Kerala framed Road Safety Rules as laid down in Sec-38 of the KRSA Act -2007. The KRSA Rule guides the Authority and also to initiate co-ordinated action on areas related to:. Road Safety among various departments in government, . Advice Government on Road Safety Policy, . Prescribing and enforcing Road Safety standards and procedures, . Formulate and implement schemes, projects and programs relating to Road Safety . Promote Road safety awareness, . Integrating the functions of all the Agencies and Govt. Departments discharging the duties related to Road Safety. UNIQUENESS OF KERALA ROAD SAFETY AUTHORITY. The first of its kind in India with statutory powers to implement Road Safety Programs in Kerala. . Established Road Safety Rules. Nodal Authority for Road Safety Activities towards a common goal in the State of Kerala. KRSA Act has provisions for Dedicated Road Safety Fund. The Govt. of India and Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety took it as a Model for other states to follow.