Technology Consulting/Tech Services - Whitefish, MT, US
The trucking industry is going through a digital transformation as it becomes more comfortable with technology and data to support better business decision making.The fuel to tools being built by SaaS providers to support these industries lies in a rich and adequate data source.Our team is that source of data, that fuel.At Kestrel Insights we build and maintain a facility geofence and trucker POI data lake that succeeds on the power of a connected network. Our geofences are polygon based with greater accuracy when compared to point & radius or machine learning methods and our POI's focus on entry gates, exit gates, docks, and other related areas of interest that build on top of those existing geofences and locations we currently have. Our mission is to bring this type of data out of the thousands of data silos it currently lives in, and make it accessible in a centralized place where the collaboration, feedback, and construction of every location benefits all licensing users.
WP Engine
Mobile Friendly
Google Cloud Hosting