Staffing & Recruiting - Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa
Industry - Recruitment & StaffingOur business is built on a passion and ambition to perfectly match our clients' needs with talented and driven people that are committed to delivering great work; to serve, to lead and to contribute to their utmost ability.Key Talent (Pty) Ltd seeks to align the best talent in the market to the culture, business and vision of our existing and prospective clients.Our goal is to understand your business, challenges and goals. We see our engagements as long term relationships that evolve with you as your business evolves.At Key Talent we pride ourselves in our talent placements and their successes and achievements.We serve a broad range of industries with a solid track record in successful placements.The team at Key Talent have been active in the recruitment industry for over 7 years.Key Talent specialize in the recruitment and selection of all categories of permanent and contract staff.