Marketing & Advertising - New York, New York, United States
We help our customers acquire new Hispanic customers in the USA at a far lower cost per lead than any other demographic. Your ″likes″ on Facebook are valuable. But if you don't know who liked you then how valuable are they? Wouldn't you love to know the name, age, gender, hometown, interests and more about your, say, 150,000 fans who like your product, services and content regularly? Of course you do. And having this info is priceless. KeyCrowd is an innovative tech start up company with people who are passionate about the power of social media and the Internet. Our number one goal is turning your Facebook fan page ″likes″ into customers. How do we do that? By really listening to your current needs and translating them into potential business using the social and viral dynamic of Facebook. And if we think we can't help you, then we will turn your business away. Honesty like this is refreshing, isn't it? In short, KeyCrowd helps brands who are looking to mine the data from their fan pages using an indirect approach. How? By being contextually relevant and leading with entertainment. Because let's face it, Facebook being the largest social media network on the Internet; people are there to socialize, share, entertain and be entertained; not to be sold to.
Cloudflare DNS
CloudFlare Hosting
Bootstrap Framework
Mobile Friendly