Architecture & Planning - Malvern, Victoria, AU
OUR MISSION IS TO DELIVER EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS FOR OUR PROJECTS THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF DESIGN. The practice has its core architectural service structured around a creative blend of market research, planning and development analyses and investor advocacy. The combination of these mediums ensures a holistic approach to our methodology where commercial imperatives are mindfully balanced throughout the design and construction processes. Design innovation and excellence are founded from our primary advantages coupled with analytical detail, problem solving, access to industry resources and formative relationships. SERVICES Architecture {BASE} The cues for our design strategy are formed from detailed investigations before pen is put to paper. The relationship between market forces, end user tastes and practicality are continually assessed at each stage of our process. The buildings we create are seminal, functional and bold. Planning + Development Advocacy {EMBRACE} The level of dedication towards our clients is particularly involved, stemming from the identification of opportunities at the acquisitions phase, due diligence, through to design and documentation stages and into the coordination of marketing and sales agencies. Interiors {SPACE} We create spaces that attempt to engage users on varying facets of experiences and emotion. Research, knowledge of materials, and selective procurement are instrimental in defining our interiors. Understanding the possibilities and limits of each product can turn pedestrian into evocative and fascinating design solutions. Urban Design {PLACE} Architecture is not only about buildings, but about the spaces surrounding the buildings. Together, they create place. Places are designed - and are intended to be remembered as significant to the social fabric of the environment. KHAK has embraced a number of master-planning exercises locally and overseas.
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