Education Management - Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
The methods that aid learning in classrooms are plenty. It is the inability to execute them that needs an addressal. Delivering quality requires innovative pedagogies and educational concepts to be practically implemented in the classrooms. This implies a change in the current way of learning. Any change in status-quo gives rise to resistance from the stakeholders. Thus, a new way of learning demands the skilling of not only teachers but also students! It demands a restructuring of the entire school setup to create a conducive environment for learning to happen.Khevaiya Innovations & Research Foundation empowers stakeholders within a school to continuously deliver quality in every classroom. We do this by introducing a lean six-sigma approach to running a school which makes schools self-sufficient in overcoming the execution paralysis. KIRF installs multiple lean mechanisms, called growth systems, in a school by combining the best of management principles with educational concepts. These seamlessly curated growth systems re-structures a school by transforming teachers into reflective learners and grooming students into responsible learners. These growth systems are closely tracked through careful monitoring of some key performance indicators and regular evaluations enable effective course-corrections.