Agriculture - Longford, Co. Longfo, N/A
Kiernan Milling has been ‘encouraging growth' with animal feedstuffs for over 30 years. The Mill was established in 1979 and is located in Granard, Co. Longford. The state-of-the art Mill is one of the largest of it's kind in Ireland, producing a wide range of products for the Agricultural Industry. During this time we have built and maintained a reputation with our customers for producing quality animal feeds. In June 2007, Kiernan Milling purchased Stewarts Animal Feeds, based in Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Like Kiernan Milling, Stewarts Animal Feeds have a long tradition in the animal feed market with a strong market share in Connacht, the Midlands and North-East. Our Mill is registered for HACCP and is also independently audited by UFAS (Universal Feed Assurance Scheme). All these quality standards are audited annually and help ensure that Kiernan Milling maintain the high quality feed customers have trusted for many years. Along with a range of Pig, Poultry, Ruminant & Extruded products we also have an 'in-house' Veterinary Service and a Retail Animal Health store, both services have been approved and is regularly audited by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food.
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