International Trade & Development - Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
KIIND is an online space that aims to provide eager minds with a guide for more sustainable and thoughtful living.KIIND advocates for an environmentally and ethically conscious lifestyle. It cultivates awareness of under-informed overconsumption and its wider implications. The KIIND way of doing so is by guidance through knowledge, not fear. This space presents a variety of interviews, stories and informational articles aimed at uncovering the realities of our contemporary society and possible futures we could create. They provide a practical and inspirational toolset to those that strive for collective and personal well-being. These pieces may serve anyone that bears the wish to improve from within and change this world for the better. After all, the path of change is set by choice. It is only through conscious decision and thoughtful action that there can be a substantial change on a global level. KIIND is an invitation to reflect on the collective and individual realities. We must cultivate awareness of the environmental and ethical implications carried by the popular lifestyle. What is more, we must foster knowledge about how to prevent these dangers with an everyday agency. While this task may seem daunting, we are not alone in this. The proactive individual can directly engage in the protection of natural and human beauty. In the same vein, they can inspire those around them to join the sustainable resistance. Individual agency is the spark that fires up collective action and lights collective change.