Industrial Equipment - Skive, Central Denmark Region, DK
KILDE A/S Automation is an innovative company developing and producing custom-built machines, automation equipment and production lines at a high technical level for domestic and foreign industry. Quality and operational reliability are always first priority. KILDE A/S has a wide range of automation solutions that are developed and adapted to the customer’s specific products, space requirements and environment. The solutions are developed and produced by a very competent and experienced staff of employees. Development and construction of solutions always take place in close cooperation with the customer from start to finish. The solutions are tested at our own facilities together with the customer. Thus it is ensured that the fully developed solution lives up to the customer’s requirements. We conduct flexible running-in, commissioning and training at the customer’s site. We stand behind our products throughout the product’s service life and provide a wide range of services and upgrades. No need is too big or small. Our customer base is wide-ranging and includes machinery, electronics, pharmaceutical, plastic and wind industry. KILDE A/S Automation employs 98 people of whom 35 are engineers and technicians with a long and extensive experience within robot integration, machine construction and control.
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