Medical Devices - Marietta, Georgia, United States
With decades of industry experience and knowledge, Kinas Medical's pairing of progressive shock wave technologies with partner-minded customer service provides unparalleled efficacy, support – and the opportunity to add additional revenue streams for healthcare businesses. Shock wave therapy – also known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and acoustic wave therapy (AWT) among other names – transmits high peak acoustic pressure waves to promote and accelerate healing for chronic and subacute conditions. Shock wave technology is a research-backed solution that utilizes high-energy acoustic waves to send pulses to afflicted musculoskeletal tissue. The acoustic waves exert a mechanical force on the tissue to trigger the biological effects at a cellular level. This promotes tissue regeneration and speeds up healing through a non-invasive treatment with no downtime. Practices that incorporate extracorporeal shockwave technology with Kinas Medical Technologies experience high satisfaction among shock wave patients, greater efficiency as a result of faster healing, short treatments – and increased revenue.