Events Services - , ,
Kinotek is an italian art factory dealing with experimental video and digital media, working in the intersections of video design, vjing, live media and AV installations.Since 2001 he's been vj resident for clubs in Rome such as Supper Club, Art Cafè and Goa club, and has partecipated at international festival as Cimatics in Brussels, Optronica in London, Contact Europe and AVIT in Berlin, Club to Club, RomaEuropa, Ultrabeat Out, Dissonanze, Muv and LPM -Live Performers Meeting in Italy.In 2003 Kinotek is been awarded best vj at Elettrowave festival, and since 2004 is part of the network.In 2009 Kinotek's opera "Sound of Complexity" is been shortlisted in the Celeste International Prize for Contemporary Arts catalogue.