Investment Management - San Francisco, California, United States
It's no secret this is a unique time in history. The internet proved to be winner take all in ways few people expected. But the move fast and break things culture at many companies meant they often made decisions at their users' expense. We know how this story ends.Data breaches. Foreign meddling in our elections. And a digital currency, which launched on the heels of the 2008 financial crisis, inspired a generation unwilling to settle for the status quo where privacy, security, and trust have been secondary to profit and growth. Many industries are due for an overhaul. Decentralized infrastructure, enabling technologies, and applications are being rebuilt from the ground up. Meanwhile, security tokens, smart contracts, and staking protocols are ushering in a new era of programmable money. We are excited to meet companies riding this wave that are well positioned to create new categories and reshape existing ones.
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