Computer Games - , ,
KiooiK, an independent games studio, has challenged its self to create a game for kids, for iOS devices. Successfully, the company released the first game which now is available in App Store. And this is the beginning of a great series of KiooiK games.KIOOIK MEANS "POSITIVELY CREATIVE". IT'S ALMOST THE WAY OF LIVING. WHEN YOU ARE KIOOIK-LIKE, YOU FULLFILL EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE WITH PINCH OF GINGER AND THAT MEANS YOU ARE A CREATOR.MISSIONWe believe that only creative thinking can shape our life as a game, and shape a game as a part of life. Our mission is to provide entertainment, which will positively engage children and pay them off with added value of beauty, joy and happinessWe produce games for kids, as we believe that games can wonderfully explain the world to that little human beings. They are hungry for new knowledge, challenges, and emotions. Why not give them an backpack of a positive energy at the start, before a long journey of their lives.KiooiK means positively creative. Spread this news. ;)
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