Financial Services - Columbia, Maryland, United States
Kirk Financial Group specializes in working with clients that are at or near retirement, looking to protect their savings and income from stock market volatility. Today, a well conceived retirement income strategy is vital to help turn your savings into income that can last a lifetime. We believe there are four fundamental challenges that should be addressed: Longevity, Rising Costs, Income Gaps and Market Uncertainty.LONGEVITY Outliving your retirement incomeRISING COSTS Inflation, taxes, healthcareINCOME GAPS Additional income needed after Social Security retirement benefits, any pensions and other guaranteed retirement income sourcesMARKET UNCERTAINTY The impact of volatilityOur goal is to help our clients identify the key challenges that will affect their unique situation. Then we create a strategy to deal with those challenges giving them a confident financial future.Our focus is on providing the most appropriate solutions to meet the individual clients needs and are not beholden to a large company or shareholders. Being independent allows us to use any company or product that will best fit the client.
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