Public Relations & Communications - , ,
Kirshner Communications provides a broad range of PR/Marketing and Communications services to small and medium Healthcare Organizations. \\At Kirshner Communications, healthcare organizations can access marketing/public relations professionals with decades of experience and the kind of knowledge that only comes from working successfully in a variety of healthcare settings.\\Public relations, marketing and social media are powerful business tools, but are often misunderstood. We break it down for healthcare professionals so they understand exactly what they are buying, what it will cost, and what they should expect as a result of our work.\\We have been honored to serve the following organizations:\\Adeza (biomedicine)\Breast and Women's Reproductive Cancers Fund\Centura Health\City of Denver Department of Environmental Health\Clinica Tepeyac\Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine\Colorado Children's Immunization Coalition\Colorado Immunization Program, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment\Colorado Regional Health Information Organization\Colorado Rural Health Center\GenturaDx (biomedicine)\\We look forward to talking with you soon about your public relations/marketing/social media challenge!