Government Administration - Kisii, Kisii County, Kenya
Kisii County is one of the forty-seven Counties of Kenya. It shares common borders with Nyamira County to the North East, Narok County to the South and Homabay and Migori Counties to the West.The County lies between latitude 00 30' and 100 South and longitude 340 38' and 350 East.It covers an area of 1,302km2, a population of 1,152,282 people as per the 2009 census.Politically, the County is organized into 9 constituencies namely: Bobasi, Bonchari, Bomachoge Chache, Bomachoge Borabu, Kitutu Chache North, Kitutu Chache South, Nyaribari Chache, Nyaribari Masaba, and South Mugirango.The most notable features in the County include Hills, Sameta (1970m), Nyamasibi (2,170m), Kiong'anyo (1,710m), Kiamwasi (1,785m), Kiongongi, Kiombeta, Sombogo, Nyanchwa, and Kegochi hills. The general slope of the land is from East to West.Kisii County is characterized by a hilly topography with several ridges and valleys. It can be divided into three main topographical zones. The first zone cover areas lying below 1,500m above sea level located on the western boundary and include parts of Suneka, Marani and Nyamarambe. The second zone covers areas lying between 1500-1800m above sea level located in the Western parts of Keumbu and Sameta divisions, Eastern Marani and Gucha River basin.The third zone covers areas lying above 1800m above sea level in parts of eastern and southern Keumbu, Masaba and Mosocho.The most notable features of these topographical zones are hills of Sameta (1970m), Nyamasibi (2170m), Kiong'anyo (1710m), Kiamwasi (1785m), Kiongongi, Kiombeta, Sombogo, Nyanchwa and Kegochi hills. The general slope of the land is from east to west. The county is dissected by permanent rivers which flow westwards into Lake Victoria. Among the notable ones are Kuja, Mogusii, and Riana and Iyabe rivers. There are also depressions and valleys.
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