Environmental Services - Prishtinë, , Kosovo
Engineering and ConsultingA specialized partner in provision of consultancy services to regulatory agencies, public utilities and private sector relative to water, environment, energy and economy sector. Our services tackle broad range of issues shaping action on the sector level to include policy planning and strategy development, service regulation and antitrust policies, capacity building and performance improvement as well as planning, design and supervision of capital infrastructure.Kiwer is consisted of experts with strong academic background from diverse scientific fields which is utilized to serve our clients with sound solution of complex issues and problems. Our experience is not limited only on consultancy carrier but extends on service regulation, utility management and construction management where our members and associates used to hold key positions and enacted underlying processes. Kiwer is based in Prishtina, registered by Kosovo Law and operates in Kosovo mainly implementing SDC, USAID and KFW projects. Given the comparative advantages of being based in one of the most dynamic emerging regions and well developed network we aim extending business activities in Albania, FYROM and Montenegro mainly in water and wastewater sector.SectorsWater and Wastewater • Water Resources Management • Governance and Regulation of Utilities • Utility Management • Water and Wastewater InfrastructureEnvironment and Waste • Solid Waste Management • Landfill Management • Governance and Regulation of Waste Sector • Waste Management InfrastructureCivil and Highway Engineering • Program & Project Management • Construction Monitoring & Inspection • Highway Design & Planning • Hydro-logical Studies • Environmental Services • Value Engineering / Partnering • Expert Witness TestimonyEnergy
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