Environmental Services - Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Whenever clients hire us for vegetation control, they can do so with confidence that the services we provide are not only effective but safe. We make the care of your property and the safety of those we interact with our number one priority. KLon Vegetation is proud to provide the city of Grande Prairie and area with safe and effective services. When you hire KLon Vegetation to manage lawncare or weed control, or one of our various other services you can be assured we will complete the job safely.We take pride in being able to offer clean, effective weed control in Grande Prairie. As many of us know, weed spraying has developed a nasty reputation, thanks to service providers who put profits and chemicals before the well being of their customers.At KLon, however, we're committed to use weed removal methods for Grande Prairie residents that reflect our values, including our dedication to the environment and our community.KLon uses an eco friendly weed killer that's safe for Grande Prairie's people, animals, and for the environment. But what isn't safe from our spray are any weeds in lawns, ditches, or other sites. With training and years of experience, we know how to use specific chemicals safely and effectively to eliminate certain plant species. We also use specific techniques to ensure that our chemicals are applied for the most effective weed spraying. This combination allows for the team at KLon to provide property owners with quality lawncare that is gentle on the environment and those nearby.
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