Education Management - Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana
The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology College of Engineering Innovation Centre (KNUST-COE IC) is set up to bridge the gap between the study and practice of the various disciplines studied in the College of Engineering. The idea is to add value to each student by developing their skill set and also incubate revolutionary products and concepts. The Centre is currently located within the College of Engineering at the Future Lab which is in the Bamfo-Kwakye Building.Being a Centre of excellence in product and concept innovation accompanied with skill-building, and engineering research we seek to bring together industry, academia and the best of skilled students to tackle societal challenges with modules developed from the various disciplines studied at the College of Engineering, combined with modern trends. Doing so with hopes of building viable products for market. This also gives a potential avenue for job creation. The KNUST-CoE IC's vision is to lead in the development of innovative products and concepts that create a better every- day life for Africans, whiles churning out world class engineering talent.Our mission is to leverage on the university's resources to train engineers to solve everyday problems by creating an enabling environment that drives innovation to create revolutionary products and concepts. Focus areasAs we head towards the fourth industrial revolution there is a shift towards the use of new technological areas to solve the current problems we face in our communities. This has birth very revolutionary ideas which have gone a long to change how we live. At the KNUST-CoE IC we are looking at 5 areas that we believe will challenge our cohorts and build their capacity in areas that are future proof. These areas are:1. IOT/ Smart cities2. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles3. Biotech and digital healthcare4. Big Data/Analytics5. Manufacturing technologies and robotics