KOLIN Construction Tourism Industry and Trading Co. Inc.

Construction Services - Çankaya, Ankara, TR

KOLIN Construction Tourism Industry and Trading Co. Inc. Details

Kolin, Türkiye'de ve üç kıtada gerçekleştirdiği dev projeler, inşaat ve enerji başta olmak üzere farklı sektörlerde yıllık 1,5 milyar dolar ciroyu yakalayan başarı grafiğiyle dünya inşaat liginin küresel bir oyuncusudur. Her yıl dünyanın en büyük müteahhitlik şirketlerinin sıralandığı ENR listesine adını yazdıran Kolin'in başarı albümünde büyük altyapı yatırımları, İstanbul Havalimanı gibi mega projeler, yollar, raylı sistemler, enerji santralleri, barajlar, limanlar, askeri tesisler ile elçilik, hastane, otel, yurt, ve okul gibi özel kullanım amaçlı binalar yer alıyor. Libya'dan Azerbaycan ve Uganda'ya kadar uzanan geniş bir coğrafyada büyük ulaşım ve yatırım projeleri gerçekleştiren Kolin İnşaat'ın Azerbaycan, Libya, Polonya, Romanya, Umman, Suudi Arabistan Krallığı ve Kuveyt'te yurtdışı ofisleri bulunuyor. Kolin İnşaat, Türkiye'nin kalkınma yolculuğunda dönüm noktası olan projelere imza atmanın, yurt dışında bayrağımızı dalgalandırmanın ve 44 yıldır kazandıklarını bu topraklara yatırmanın gururuyla yoluna devam ediyor._________________________________________________Kolin is a global player in the world construction league with theits huge projects realized in Turkey and on three different continents, and its. The annual turnover of reaches 1.5 billion dollars in different sectors, especially in construction and energy.Kolin's success album,name which makes its is marked on the ENR list which accumulates the world's largest contracting companies year after year. Kolin's album of success, which lists the world's largest contracting companies every year, includes major infrastructure investments, mega projects such as Istanbul Airport, roads, rail systems, power plants, dams, ports, military facilities, embassies, hospitals, hotels, dormitories, and private buildings such as schools.Kolin Construction, which realizes large transportation and investment projects in a wide geography varying from Libya to Azerbaijan and Uganda, has established offices abroad in Azerbaijan, Libya, Poland, Romania, Oman, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.Kolin continues on its way with the pride of signing projects that are milestones in Turkey's and World's development journey, flying our flag abroad, and investing what it has earned for Kolin is proud to grow by performing all these projects in the 44 years of its establishment in these lands.

KOLIN Construction Tourism Industry and Trading Co. Inc. logo, KOLIN Construction Tourism Industry and Trading Co. Inc. contact details
Website: kolin.com.tr
Employees: 1000 - 4999
Location: Çankaya, Ankara, TR
Revenue: 2.5 - 5 Million
Transportation and Infrastructure Projects Energy Projects Natural Gas and Electricity Distribution Housing Building Industrial Projects
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