Insurance - Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia
Insurance Specialist at Alternative Sales Channels Department
KOMPANIJA DUNAV OSIGURANJE – KUĆA SA TRADICIJOM NA TRŽIŠTU OSIGURANJAKao akcionarsko društvo za poslove osiguranja, reosiguranja, saosiguranja i ostalih usluga u osiguranju, mi smo jedina kuća na domaćem tržištu registrovana za više od 90 proizvoda svih vrsta životnih i neživotnih osiguranja.Garant sigurnosti i poverenja je stručno znanje zaposlenih u cilju najšire zaštite osiguranika i ažurne isplate šteta u slučaju ostvarenja rizika.Sva istraživanja na tržištu ukazuju da smo sinonim za osiguranje i najjači srpski brend. Ozbiljno shvatajući svoju društvenu odgovornost, ulažemo u brojne sportske kolektive i pojedince, kulturne, naučne i umetničke projekte sa svešću da samo podrška pravim vrednostima vodi istinskom napretku.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DUNAV INSURANCE COMPANY – A COMPANY WITH TRADITION ON INSURANCE MARKETAs a joint-stock company for insurance, reinsurance, coinsurance and other insurance business, we are the only company on the Serbian market registered for over 90 products of all life and non-life insurance.The expertise of our employees is the guarantor of safety and trust, streamlined to provide the most comprehensive protection to the Insured and prompt claims payment.All market researches indicate that Dunav is the synonym for insurance business and the strongest Serbian brand. Taking seriously our social responsibility, we invest in numerous sports associations and individuals, cultural, scientific and art projects, being aware that true progress can be achieved only by supporting the right values.
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