Machinery - Senigallia, Marche, Italy
KOMPLET Italia company is long since present in the concrete premix sector with a wide range of MIXERS (Double Shaft, Continuous and Turbo mixers). However Komplet is present in the sector of RECYCLING in site where is nowadays world leader for the production of mini crushers, a new concept machine which simplify enormously the work in many sites worldwide (Europe, USA, Australia and South Africa).KOMPLET can boast of a very wide range of MINI-CRUSHERS, static or mobile, powered by diesel engines or by electric motor, HAMMER MILL, SCREENS and CONVEYOR BELTS. For a while now recycling has been having a remarkable development in many sectors raising a lot of new more and more sophisticated machines. Flexibility and dynamism are the main features of KOMPLET policy together with an extreme care on Research & Development as answer to the changeable needs of operators and dealers. KOMPLET, a reliable partner leader in Italy and in the World!