Music - , West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Komunitas Musik Fikom (Music Comunity of Fikom) or popularly called as KMF is an organization that learns, develops, and providing ideas and support to Bandung and Jatinangor music scene. Inside KMF, it is divided into 3 division:- Event Organizer Divisiona division that focuses in concepting, creating, and executing music and music-related event in purpose to provide musicians in targetted area stages to perform. Gogosori, Qualitea Time, Music Festifile, and The I Way Festival are music events that KMF create.- Music Development Divisiona division that deals with music it self. such as developing musicians and music. this division is responsible for learning, making, developing, recording music and the techniques related.- Media Divisiona division specializes in organizing music based mass media. song, event, and etc are transformed into a well-broadcasted information. examples of products from this division are and gogosori-zine
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