Political Organization - Singapore, , Singapore
The Programmes' objectives are achieved by strengthening dialogue amongst leading editors and journalists through regional conferences and meetings and by two key initiatives: the Asia News Network (ANN) and the Konrad Adenauer Center for Journalism (ACFJ) at Ateneo de Manila University.The Asia News Network (ANN), comprising 23 English-language national daily newspapers in 20 Asian countries, was initiated to provide avenues for cooperation and to optimize coverage of major news events in the region. More importantly, the ANN has been working towards the improvement of the coverage of Asian affairs by Asian media. Thus member newspapers get reliable access to news sources in Asia and the development of professional journalism in the region is promoted. The initiative is beneficial for two reasons: first, it reduces the dependence of member newspapers on international wire services and second, the newspapers get more substantial, in-depth news from an Asian perspective.The Konrad Adenauer Center for Journalism (ACFJ) at the Ateneo de Manila University completes our vision and mission in journalism development in Asia. It was established in June 2000 as a joint initiative of the KAS and the Ateneo de Manila University. The ACFJ offers degree and non-degree programmes in subject-specific reporting as well as basic courses such as journalistic ethics. The ACFJ is a regional center: It recruits students from all over Asia; it addresses working journalists by granting scholarships. We are especially proud of the Center's pioneering "M.A. in Journalism" programme, which has attracted working journalists from many Asian countries since its implementation in 2003.Company Profile: www.kas.de/mediaasia/Twitter: @kasmediaasiaFacebook: @media.programme.asia
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